Wednesday, May 30, 2012

13 birthday wishes!

I wish you...

*A huge growth spurt! Although I love you JUST THE WAY YOU ARE, I just know you want one!
*Drama free teenagehood. More for my sake than yours...
*To be able to always eat what you want and never gain weight.
* Mad ninja skills.
*The funnest summer yet!
*That you will get some babysitting calls so you can start saving some money for ALL your life goals.
*An endless supply of cool books to read.
*That you make the soccer team you want, because you are at soccer tryouts right now...on your birthday.
*A pool for the backyard. (That might be for me)
*Chocolate. The good stuff.
*That you will remember to pick up your socks because finding them in every corner of the house is driving me CRAZY!  (That sounds like it's more for me too, sorry)
*That you will always have great friends that will help you stay strong in the gospel.
*That you will never be afraid to be yourself and that you will always be happy that you are you. You are the best kid and when I grow up I want to be just like you! 


Birthday wishes from Lanie
and Gentry!


Shirl said...

What a good kid he is! And, also very smart!!